Information & Regulations
This Eisteddfod is for amateur performers only. For avoidance of doubt, this Eisteddfod is for dancers who have not received full time vocational dance training within the last three years. The upper age limit for our Eisteddfod is 18years for solo performers and 21yrs for group performers.
a) Entries must be made on via online entry system only.
b) Age for class purposes is that of the competitor on 31st August 2024.
c) No person shall be allowed to compete more than once in any solo class and twice in any duet/trio class. No competitors may dance together more than once in any one-duet/trio class.
d) Dance Schools may not enter a student more than twice in the same group class.
e) All dancers must be ready to perform 30 minutes before the publicised start time of the Class.
f) The Committee reserve the right to refuse any proposed entry, and to restrict or divide classes where the maximum number of competitors has been reached. They also reserve the right to alter classes if necessary and decide on the order of classes.
g) No vocal is allowed on accompaniment for song & dance.
h) Lyrical dances will not be accepted in the Modern Section and MUST abide by the British Federation and All England Dance Rules and Regulations.
i) No pointe work allowed in any Ballet classes under 13 yrs.
j) The supervision of children in allocated changing rooms is the responsibility of the teachers/schools/parents/guardians and festival personnel will not supervise competitors. However, the changing facilities will be monitored for tidiness and the Festival Committee respectfully ask that all rooms used are kept clean and tidy with all rubbish disposed of accordingly.
k) The stage and stage wings are out of bounds to all except authorised persons and competitors about to perform. Authorised persons include ONE teacher or assistant from each school, also ONE older competitor for the sole purpose of assisting younger competitors with wardrobe or props. Competitors may only enter the stage and stage wings from stage right. All props must be removed from the wings by the next official break.
l) No entry fees will be refunded and the Committee reserves the right to refuse any entry.
m) The Committee reserves the right to commence any class up to 30 minutes earlier than the time published in the Official Programme.
n) Competitors in SOLO classes must perform in their correct age grouping. In DUET, TRIO and GROUP classes the age grouping will be taken as that of the oldest competitor.
The Festival is bound by copyright law and cannot allow photography, audio or video recordings of any kind including mobile phones during a performance. A breach of this rule may lead to disqualification of the competitor/s being recorded and/or being asked to leave the Festival venue. However, performers may be asked to be photographed for the sole purpose of publicity.
Photography is not permitted in the communal changing areas. The enforcement of this is the responsibility of parents and teachers and does not sit with the volunteers or committee.
Any professional photographer in attendance will need to be notified by a parent or teacher if they do not wish their child/students to be photographed.
All performances using music from shows in current production are subject to copyright law. Songs from shows in current production may be performed as a concert item, ie. With no costume or movement, without the need for copyright permission. Where movement or costumes are included in a performance copyright permission is required and the Organising Committee accepts these entries on the basis that the appropriate copyright permission has been sought. Performers or teachers queries on how to obtain copyright permission for performance items should contact Festivals House on 0906 302 1302 before making entries. (Calls cost maximum of 50p per minute)
Class entry fees are as follows:
All performers will receive an adjudication sheet, which will be available to competitors as soon as is practicable following the class. They may be posted if a stamped addressed envelope is provided.
Trophies and cups will be awarded to winners of selected classes gaining a mark of 84 or above or at the discretion of the Adjudicator. These are held for 12 months and remain the property of the Bristol Dance Festival.
All winners are personally responsible for their safe custody and return to appropriate secretary.
The committee reserves the right to withhold trophies in classes where in the opinion of the adjudicator a sufficiently high standard has not been attained. Medals will be awarded to individual class winners in the instance that no cup is allocated and when a cup is tied between classes.
Family members and members of the public are welcome to view all sessions of the competition.
ADULTS £5.00 - All Day Pass
ADULTS £3.00 - Morning Session ADULTS £3.00 - Afternoon Sessions
Programmes will be available to purchase on the door at £3.50 each or posted before the start of the festival at £6.50 (P&P inc).
Any complaint/objection relating to the Festival must be submitted in writing to the Festival Committee for consideration by the committee if necessary. The decision of the committee on all matters arising, or not specifically covered in these regulations is final.